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This plant is a native of India and Pakistan; in fact, it is the national tree of India. It is a close cousin of Fiddle Leaf Fig but is exceedingly easier to care for. It can grow up to 100 feet tall in the wild; however, indoors, it will only grow up to 10 feet tall. While this can plant has a large growing capacity, it doesn’t have any large or fussy care requirements.
How to Identify Ficus Audrey (Ficus Benghalensis)
The key identifiers of this plant are:
- Leaves that have a layer of fuzz on them
- Leaves that are green, large, oblong-shaped, and have thick light-green veins running throughout them
- Latex-like sap that drips when the plant is pruned
How to Grow Ficus Audrey from Seed
Propagating a Ficus from seed is a time-consuming process. The steps for doing this are:
- Allow the seeds to dry before removing them from the Ficus plant or purchase seeds from a reputable seller (sellers who price their seeds between $1 and $2)
- Put the seeds in a glass of water to determine which seeds are fertile and which are not (fertile seeds will sink; sterile seeds will float)
- Fill a container with a seed starting soil mix
- Place the seeds on top of the soil mix; there is no need to cover them
- Water the soil so that it is moist but not soggy
- Set the container in a warm spot that gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight
- Maintain the heat and moisture levels as the seeds germinate and grow
- When the second set of leaves appear on the plants, they can be transplanted to permanent plant containers
How to Propagate Ficus Audrey
This plant is easy to propagate via stem cuttings. The steps for doing this are:
- Put on a pair of gloves (the sap of this plant can irritate the skin)
- Use a sterile cutting utensil to cut off a stem that is not woody (the stem should be at least a foot long and include a node and leaves)
- Remove leaves that are near the bottom of the stem
- Use a rooting hormone on the bottom of the stem
- Set the cutting into a container that has been filled with potting soil
- Water the soil
- Set a plastic bag over the plant to keep in humidity
- Set the plant container in a warm area that has access to bright, but indirect sunlight
- If necessary, repot the plant in a larger container once it is well established
Ficus Audrey Growing Conditions
Since this plant is native to warm and tropical regions, it grows best in environments that resemble its native lands. It should be set in an area that has temperatures that stay above 60 degrees Fahrenheit, but it will grow even better in warmer temperatures. It should be kept away from cold drafts and air conditioner and heater vents.
It also needs some humidity in its environment. A plant humidifier or pebble tray and a heat mat can be utilized to provide the heat and humidity this plant needs without creating an indoor environment that is uncomfortable for humans and pets.
How to Plant Ficus Audrey
Because it grows so large so quickly, this plant should be repotted every year to slow its growth. Repotting it will also provide it with fresh soil and more room for its root system to grow. Repotting should only be done in the spring or summer. The steps for repotting a Ficus Audrey plant are:
- Choose a plant container that is 2 inches larger in diameter than its current container
- Fill the plant container potting soil
- Create a hole in the soil for the plant to set inside
- Carefully remove the plant from its current container
- Gently dust off any excess soil from its roots
- Using a sterile cutting utensil, cut off any rotten roots
- Set the plant into the hole in the new container
- Spread the soil around so that the plant is secure in its new container
- Water the plant
- Set it in a warm spot with plenty of sunlight
Ficus Audrey Potting & Soil
This plant should be set in a plant container with plenty of drainage holes. A self-watering plant container is an excellent choice since these plants can get too large to move around and they suffer from overwatering. This plant should be set in soil that is high-quality and nutrient-rich. This Ficus Soil Mix is custom designed for growing Ficus plants in containers.
Ficus Audrey Water Requirements
This plant should only be watered when the top two inches of its soil is dry. Its soil should be checked regularly since it does not tolerate dry soil for long; it prefers moist but not soggy soil. Use a soil probe to test the moisture levels of soil and eliminate dirty hands and guesswork.
Ficus Audrey Light Requirements
This plant is a canopy plant; that is, it is the topmost layer of the forest where it grows naturally. Because it grows at the top level of the forest, it is well suited for bright and direct sunlight. It should, however, be acclimated to bright, direct sunlight so that it doesn’t dry out or struggle from shock. Also, the plant should be rotated several times a year so that every side of it receives direct sunlight.
A light meter can be used to test indoor light capacity and ensure that the plant is receiving the amount of sunlight it needs.
Best Ficus Audrey Fertilizer
This plant can be fertilized once a month during the spring, summer, and autumn seasons. It does not need to be fed during winter since this is a time for the plant to rest. It should be fed with a slow-releasing organic fertilizer. These fertilizer nuggets from Osmocote are an excellent option.
Best Ficus Audrey Companion Plantings
Growing a Ficus Audrey alongside other tropical plants is a great way to create a tropical environment and provide the plants with much-needed humidity. Below are three tropical plants that will make great companion plantings for a Ficus Audrey.
Peperomia Obtusifolia
This plant is also known as Baby Rubber Plant. It is an adorable plant that stays tiny. It is versatile, hardy, and easy to care for. It will benefit from growing under the shady canopy provided by a Ficus Audrey.
Light Requirements
Peperomia Obtusifolia can adapt to low light, but ultimately, it grows better and looks better when placed in a spot that gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight.
Soil Requirements
Peperomia Obtusifolia requires soil that is well-draining and well aerated. It is best to use a soil mix that contains two parts peat and one part perlite or sand.
Water Requirements
Peperomia Obtusifolia should only be watered when the top two inches of its soil is dry. It should be watered in the soak and dry method.
- It has a lot of common care requirements with Ficus Audrey
- It is easy to care for
- It is a unique-looking plant
- It is not toxic
- It can be planted in water for short periods of time
- It is susceptible to root rot
- It is susceptible to infestations of mealybugs and spider mites
Bird of Paradise
This is a large-leaved tropical plant from southern Africa. In their native habitat, they can grow up to 20 feet tall, but when kept indoors, they typically range between 3 and 8 feet tall. They are strikingly beautiful and have care requirements that are similar to Ficus Audrey. Altogether, these two will make a stunning pair.
Light Requirements
Bird of Paradise should be placed in an area that receives plenty of bright, direct sunlight. It can tolerate medium amounts of light, but should never be placed in a dark area.
Soil Requirements
Bird of Paradise requires soil that drains well but still retains some moisture.
Water Requirements
Bird of Paradise should only be watered when the top 2 inches of its soil is dry. It can also benefit from being misted or set next to a humidifier.
- It is a beautiful plant
- It has a lot of common care requirements with Ficus Audrey
- Its root system grows quickly and requires regular repotting
- It is easy to overwater
Dracaena Compacta
This tree is a native of Southeast Africa. It grows tufty foliage and remains slim. It is unique-looking and relatively easy to care for.
Light Requirements
Dracaena Compacta should be placed in an area that receives bright, but indirect sunlight. It can tolerate darker spaces better than it can tolerate a lot of sunlight. It could benefit from resting in the shade of a Ficus Audrey.
Soil Requirements
Dracaena Compacta requires soil that is well-draining.
Water Requirements
Dracaena Compacta should only be watered when its soil has dried out from its previous watering. Generally, it should be watered every 10 to 14 days. Since this plant is highly sensitive to salt and mineral build-up, any water given to it should be set in a bucket for 24 hours before used on the plant. This allows some of the minerals time to evaporate.
Also, this plant loves humidity, so misting it regularly or providing it with a humidifier is highly recommended.
- It is a slow-growing plant that will not require replanting very often, if ever
- It is a beautiful and unique-looking plant
- It is relatively easy to care for
- It requires regular pruning to maintain its good looks
- It is fussy about its water regimen
Ficus Audrey Diseases and Common Problems
This plant is susceptible to a few types of infestations and diseases. The most common problems it faces are:
- Leaves that are dropping
- Leaves that are discolored and browning
- Leaves that are yellowing
- Mealybugs
- Scale Insects
- Spider Mites
- Thrips
Ficus Audrey Treatments and Maintenance
When caring for a plant it is best to treat them quickly when they show signs of an infestation or a disease. This will give them a chance to recover and it may prevent other, nearby plants from being infected as well.
The best care treatment for Ficus Audrey is to learn how to water, feed, and plant them properly. It is also recommended that they be inspected for insect infestation and cleaned regularly. These two preventative measures should eliminate or, at least, reduce infestations and diseases.
If, however, a Ficus Audrey does show signs of an infestation or a disease, follow these steps:
Leaves That Are Dropping
This could be caused by inadequate light or improper watering.
Leaves That are Discolored and Browning
This is usually a symptom of overwatering. The plant’s soil should be allowed to dry out completely before being watered again.
Leaves That are Yellowing
This is usually a symptom of underwatering. It may be necessary to water the plant more frequently and with heavier doses of water. Use a plant watering app to help eliminate much of the guesswork surrounding correct watering methods.
This type of infestation looks like cotton that has attached itself to a plant’s stems and leaves. To deal with an infestation of mealybugs, follow these steps:
- Spray a solution of alcohol and water on the leaves
- Rub the leaves with a cotton ball
- Coat the leaves in neem oil or insecticidal soap every few days
Scale Insects
Evidence of this problem is round lumps on the plant’s leaves and stems. These lumps are usually small, round, and brown in color. To deal with an infestation of scale bugs, follow these steps:
- Spray them off with a hose
- Wipe the remainder off with neem oil and a cloth
- Prevent them from returning by coating the leaves with neem oil regularly
Spider Mites
Evidence of a spider mite infestation will show up as webbing on the leaves and stems. To treat this type of infestation, follow these steps:
- Fill a spray bottle with a quart of warm water, 1 tsp. of dish soap, and 2 tsps. Of neem oil
- Spray and wipe the leaves and stems of the plant clean
- Repeat as necessary
Evidence of this type of infestation looks like tiny lobster-shaped bugs on the plant when they are magnified. To treat this type of infestation, follow these steps:
- Spray the plant with a hose
- Remove any visible insects left on the plant
- Wipe down the leaves of the plant with neem oil
- Treat the plant once a week until the infestation has been removed
Where to Buy Ficus Audrey Seeds Online
The seeds of this plant can be difficult to locate, but Plant World Seeds is a great place to start looking for them.
Where to Buy Mature Ficus Audrey Online
To begin enjoying a Ficus Audrey plant right away, look for a mature plant at these online shops:
Question: Is Ficus Audrey Toxic?
Answer: Yes, this plant is mildly toxic. Its sap can irritate the skin and can cause pain and even vomiting if it is ingested. If someone has consumed a part of these plants, contact a medical professional or poison control.
Poison Control Center
Animal Poison Control
Ask a Poison Control Vet
Question: Can Ficus Audrey be Pruned?
Answer: Yes, in fact, it is highly recommended that this plant be pruned regularly. Pruning will allow the plant to look better and grow better.
Question: Does Ficus Audrey Have Air Purifying Qualities?
Answer: Yes, this plant is known for its ability to remove common household toxins from the air.
Concluding Thoughts
Ficus Audrey is a lovely little plant that has the ability to grow into a lovely large canopy cover. It is easygoing to maintain and it can even help indoor air quality. What’s not to love about that?