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This is a small, vining plant from the tropical regions of South and Central America. It is simple to care for and can be used to develop an indoor tropical hideaway or to accentuate an outdoor tropical-themed patio.
How to Identify Monstera Dubia
This type of plant is typically identified by its method of growing and the appearance of its leaves. Monstera Dubia grows as a vine that attaches itself to poles, trees, trellises, or any tall structure. When attaching itself to a structure its leaves lay flat against the structure in a manner that is reminiscent of shingles. This is why Monstera Dubia is nicknamed the “shingle plant”.
Young Monstera Dubia leaves are heart-shaped and variegated with light and dark green colors. Mature Monstera Dubia leaves retain their shape but will turn mostly dark green and form fenestrations that will cover the majority of the leaf. This process of producing fenestrations is usually reserved for plants that are grown in the wild; Monstera Dubia grown indoors does not grow large enough or receive enough light to go through this process.
How to Grow Monstera Dubia from Seed
Growing one of these plants from seed can take many months, but the effort is worth it. While it does take a lot of patience to get a mature plant, the steps to do so are simple.
- Purchase seeds from a quality seller
- Soak the seeds in water for 24 to 48 hours
- Set the seeds in a container filled with sterilized soil
- Water the soil so that it is moist but not soggy
- Cover the container with plastic wrap
- Once the seeds have sprouted acclimatize the seeds to open-air
- Once the plants are healthy and established, re-pot them in a larger container
How to Propagate Monstera Dubia
This type of Monstera plant is easy to propagate via stem cuttings and the separation method. Here are the steps for each propagation method in more detail.
Stem Cuttings
- Using a sterile cutting utensil, cut off a healthy stem that includes a leaf and a node
- Pull off any leaves that are near the bottom of the stem
- Allow the stem to callous
- Fill a plant container with potting soil and set the stem 2 to 3 inches into the soil
- Moisten the soil with water
- Set the container in a place that gets bright but indirect sunlight
- Water the potting soil and keep it moist but not soggy
- Shoots should appear on the plant after a few weeks
Separation Method
- Water the plant 24 hours before working through this method
- Fill two plant containers with well-draining potting soil
- Unwind the Monstera plant from the structure it is growing against
- Gently remove the plant from its current container
- Dust off any soil from its root system
- Using a sterile cutting utensil, cut the plant into two (roots and all)
- Set the two halves of the plant into the prepared containers
- Pat down the soil around the plant to make sure it is secure in its new home
- Water the plant
- Set the plant in a warm area that receives bright, indirect sunlight
Monstera Dubia Growing Conditions
This tropical plant thrives in an environment that is warm and humid. In order to grow a healthy Monstera Dubia plant, it is necessary to keep the humidity levels at least as high as 50% and the temperatures ranging between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat and humidity can be provided by setting this plant next to a plant humidifier or on a pebble tray or on a heat mat for plants.
Another point of care for Monstera Dubia is that it needs a place to attach its vines to in order to grow. A moss pole is an excellent way to provide a climbing structure for the trailing vines.
How to Plant Monstera Dubia
When the roots of this plant are peaking out of its drainage hole, it is time to report it. Repotting will also provide it with new, fresh soil that contains nutrients for healthy growth. The steps for repotting a Monstera Dubia are:
- Select a container that is two inches wider in diameter than its current container
- Fill the new container with potting soil
- Create a hole in the soil for the plant to set inside
- Carefully remove the plant from its current container
- Gently dust off any excess soil from its roots
- Set the plant into the hole in the new container
- Spread the soil around so that the plant is secure in its new container
- Water the plant
- Set it in a warm spot with indirect sunlight
Monstera Dubia Potting & Soil
This plant requires soil that drains well but will retain a little moisture so that it doesn’t completely dry out. A homemade potting soil is easy to make. It should include equal parts of the following ingredients:
- Orchid bark
- Peat moss
- Perlite
Monstera Dubia also requires soil that has pH levels ranging between 5 and 7. It is easy to test soil pH levels using a Soil pH Meter. To alkaline soil, add aged sawdust, wood chips, peat moss, pine needles, or oak leaves to it. To create higher levels of acidity in the soil, add bone meal, hardwood ashes, or ground eggshells to it. For a more detailed look at how to adjust soil pH levels, read this article.
Monstera Dubia Water Requirements
It is important to water this plant correctly so that it doesn’t get root rot from overwatering or begin to wilt from under-watering. There are two ways to check whether or not this plant needs to be watered.
- The first method is to pick up the plant in its container. If the container is heavy, it is probably retaining some water and does not need a drink; however, if the container is light, it may not have much water in it and could use a drink.
- The second method is to check the top two inches of its soil. If the soil is dry, it can use a drink, if however, the top two inches are still moist, it does not need any more water.
The best to water Monstera Dubia is to use the soak and dry method. The steps for doing this are as follows:
- Test the soil moisture level before giving it a drink.
- If the plant needs a drink, fill a tray with a few inches of distilled water or rainwater.
- Set the plant container in the tray of water.
- Let the plant soak in the water for fifteen minutes. The roots will soak up water from the bottom of the container.
- Take the plant container out of the water.
- Allow the excess water to drain from the holes in the bottom of the plant container.
A great way to track plant-watering schedules is through a plant watering app. This will prevent overwatering and send reminders for when the plant needs another drink.
Monstera Dubia Light Requirements
This type of plant should be set in a spot that receives bright, indirect sunlight. If it is set in direct sunlight, it will dry out and burn. The best indoor positions for this plant are in an east-facing or a north-facing window with curtains that will filter the sunlight. If this is not possible, it can also grow under plant grow lights.
To be sure that the plant is getting the appropriate amount of light, use a light meter to test indoor light capacity.
Best Monstera Dubia Fertilizer
This plant does not require a lot of fertilizer to grow strong, but it can benefit from three feedings a year during its growing season (spring and summer). During the winter months, it is not necessary to fertilize it. This break will allow the plant to rest and the salt buildup to diminish.
Monstera Dubia can handle feedings from most liquid fertilizers as long as the doses are diluted. Fertilizer tea is a gentle, easy, and organic way to feed this plant.
Best Monstera Dubia Companion Plantings
Since this is a vining plant it can look lonely by itself. Companion plants will not only perk up the look of this plant but can also provide extra humidity, which is an essential need of Monstera Dubia. The following three plants are just a sampling of the many options that will look wonderful as a companion plant for Monstera Dubia.
Five Holes Plant
This option for a companion plant features leaves that are variegated in green, cream, white, or yellow. It is also a vining plant from the jungles of South America which makes both plants easy to grow together.
Light Requirements
Five Holes Plant should be set in a place that receives plenty of bright, but indirect sunlight.
Soil Requirements
Five Holes Plant requires soil that is well-draining, but able to retain a little moisture.
Water Requirements
Five Holes Plant should only be watered when the top two inches of its soil is dry. It should be watered in the soak and dry method.
- Its leaves can be several different colors
- Its care requirements are similar to Monstera Dubia
- It is easy to learn how to care for and grow
- It is toxic
- It is easy to propagate via stem cuttings
- It is susceptible to root rot
- It is susceptible to infestations of mealybugs, scale bugs, and spider mites
Neon Pothos
This is a plant that is considered perfect for beginner gardeners. Its luminescent green leaves are beautiful and stunning, which will be a complementary look against the dark green leaves of Monstera Dubia. Also, its care requirements are unfussy and hassle-free.
Light Requirements
Set Neon Pothos plants in a spot that receives plenty of bright, indirect sunlight.
Soil Requirements
Neon Pothos plants require soil that is well-draining, includes organic material, and has a pH level range of 6.1 to 6.5.
Water Requirements
Neon Pothos plants require plenty of water and should not be allowed to sit in dry soil. It is best to water this plant using the soak and dry method.
- It has a lot of common care requirements with Monstera Dubia
- It is easy to care for
- It is a unique-looking plant
- It is toxic
- It is susceptible to infestations of mealybugs
- It is susceptible to root rot
- It is susceptible to manganese toxicity
Monstera Pinnatipartita
This is a rare but popular Monstera plant that grows in South and Central America. Its leaves are large, dark green, and filled with slits. This is an excellent plant to set next to the vining stems of a Monstera Dubia.
Light Requirements
Monstera Pinnatipartita should be set in a place that receives plenty of bright, but indirect sunlight.
Soil Requirements
Monstera Pinnatipartita requires soil that is well-draining and includes plenty of organic materials, such as, mulch, compost, bark, and even animal dung.
Water Requirements
Monstera Pinnatipartita should only be watered when the top two inches of its soil is dry. Also, its soil should not be allowed to dry out completely. This plant does best when kept in moist, but not soggy soil. It should be watered in the soak and dry method.
- It has a lot of common care requirements with Monstera Dubia
- It is easy to care for
- It can handle temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit
- It is easy to propagate via stem cuttings
- It is susceptible to root rot when overwatered
- It is susceptible to burnt leaves when set in direct sun
- It is susceptible to infestations of mealybugs and spider mites
- It is mildly toxic
Monstera Dubia Diseases and Common Problems
The most common problems faced by Monstera Dubia are:
- Brown Leaves
- Yellow Leaves
Monstera Dubia Treatments and Maintenance
The best way to deal with the common problems faced by Monstera Dubia is to prevent them from happening at all. These preventative steps will protect this plant from permanent damage:
- Dust the leaves regularly and inspect them for insects
- Wipe off insects as they are found
- Apply neem oil regularly to prevent insect infestations
- To prevent brown leaves from occurring on a Monstera Dubia plant, water it regularly and make sure it is not set in full sunlight.
- To prevent yellow leaves from occurring on a Monstera Dubia plant, do not overwater the plant. If its soil is soggy, allow the soil to dry out completely before watering it again. If this does improve the plant’s health after a few months, it may be necessary to repot the plant in fresh, dry soil.
Where to Buy Monstera Dubia Seeds Online
Purchase seeds to grow this plant from one of these online shops:
Where to Buy Mature Monstera Dubia Online
Purchase a healthy plant from one of these online shops:
Question: Is Monstera Dubia Toxic?
Answer: Yes, it is mildly toxic. If a child or pet has consumed some of this plant and is in pain, contact a health professional or poison control.
Poison Control Center
Animal Poison Control
Ask a Poison Control Vet
Question: Does Monstera Dubia Produce Flowers?
Answer: Yes, it can produce flowers when it is grown in the proper conditions. These flowers usually appear in the spring or summer and are typically pink in color.
Question: How Large Will Monstera Dubia Grow?
Answer: When kept indoors, its vines can reach up to three feet long; however, when kept outdoors its vines can reach up to ten feet long.
Concluding Thoughts
Monstera Dubia is a hassle-free plant that is ideal for indoor spaces and outdoor gardens. Its care requirements make it a great plant for beginner gardeners or for those who don’t have extra time to deal with fussy plants. Because it is rare, it can be pricey, but its beauty and easygoing nature are worth it.