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Best Hanging Succulent Varieties
Decorating indoor spaces and outdoor patios with hanging plants provides natural furnishings without the floor clutter. It allows all the space to be utilized to its fullest and look its best. If this style of decorating is something you are intrigued by, consider adding one of these five hanging succulents to your home or garden décor.
Each plant listed features unique characteristics and an appearance that is sure to captivate your design taste and appeal to your gardening senses.
Burro’s Tail (Sedum Morganianum)
This succulent features thick and round pods compressed together on long stems; it hangs beautifully.
Fishbone Cactus Growing Conditions
Burro’s Tail is extremely simple to grow; in fact, it basically propagates itself. This is because its green pods are so delicate that touching them or setting them in a place with too much air movement will cause them to fall off, and as long as they land in good soil, these pods can grow into a completely new plant without human involvement.
Climate Conditions
Since this succulent is native to Mexico and Honduras, it prefers warm, arid temperatures. It will grow outside all year round in USDA Hardiness Zones 9 to 11.
Fertilizer Requirements
This succulent doesn’t really need any fertilizer to grow strong and healthy. It can be given a diluted dose during the warm months of Spring and Summer, but should never be fertilized during winter.
Light Requirements
Since its pods are sensitive and can get burnt when exposed to a lot of direct sunlight, it is best to set this plant in a spot that gets bright but indirect sunlight or partial sunlight.
Soil Conditions
As is the case with most types of succulents, Burro’s Tail needs soil that drains well. If set in a plant container, a cactus/succulent potting mix is ideal.
Water Requirements
This plant will typically need water only once a month. It should be watered in the soak and dry method to prevent its roots from getting oversaturated and then rotting away.
Fishbone Cactus (Disocactus Anguliger)
This unique cactus hails from the tropical regions of Chiapas, Mexico. Its stunning zig-zag leaves and its low-maintenance care requirements make it an ideal plant to include in any succulent garden.
Fishbone Cactus Growing Conditions
While this plant is a slow grower, it can be grown from seedlings. Doing this will take some time and diligence, but it can be very rewarding. The steps for growing a Fishbone Cactus from seedlings are:
- Purchase seeds from a quality seller
- Select a potting soil designed for succulent seeds
- Fill a seed tray with the potting soil
- Plant the seeds in the seed tray
- Set the seed tray in water so that it will soak up water from the bottom
- Set the seed tray in a spot that is warm and has access to indirect sunlight
- Cover the seed tray with plastic wrap to maintain humidity
- Check the soil regularly to make sure it is moist but not soggy
- Once tiny sprouts appear above the soil, move the plants to a larger container
Climate Conditions
Since Fishbone Cactus is a native of rainforests, the climate conditions it requires are different than other succulents. Instead of dry and arid weather, this succulent prefers warm, humid air. It will grow best in USDA Hardiness Zones 10b to 11b.
Fertilizer Requirements
Fertilizer is another area where Fishbone Cactus differs from other succulents. It actually benefits from several feedings during the year. It can be given an Orchid fertilizer once a week during Spring and Summer months and once a month during the Autumn and Winter months.
Light Requirements
Since this succulent requires warm temperatures, it prefers a lot of sunlight. It can be set in a place that gets partial to full sun.
Soil Conditions
Here again, Fishbone Cactus differs from other succulents. In the area of soil conditions, this succulent prefers moist soil and humid air. The soil it is set in should not be allowed to get dry or to get soggy.
Water Requirements
Because Fishbone Cactus needs moisture, its water requirements are more intense than most cacti and succulents. To help with the watering process, it is a good idea to place this plant in a bathroom window so it can enjoy both sunshine and humidity. If it is not possible to set the plant in a bathroom window, a humidifier tray is another great option.
Rat Tail Cactus (Aporocactus Flagelliformis)
This cactus is designed for hanging pots. Its long stems can grow up to 4 feet in length and can easily dangle over the edge of a plant container and still look wonderful.
Rat Tail Cactus Growing Conditions
Rat Tail Cactus can grow up to a foot in length each year which is unusually fast for a cactus. The best conditions for growing a strong, long, and healthy plant is soil that is rich in nutrients.
Climate Conditions
It is best to set this plant in temperatures that range between 50- and 90-degrees Fahrenheit. It is not cold tolerant but can benefit from a season of cool temperatures so that it can rest. Also, it doesn’t do well in a place with extremely high or extremely low humidity; it needs a nice balanced level of humidity to prevent root rot and infestations.
Fertilizer Requirements
Because this plant is such an avid grower, it does benefit from feedings during its growing season (Spring and Summer). It is best to use a half-strength liquid cactus fertilizer every other week while it is growing.
Light Requirements
Rat Tail Cactus is a typical cactus when it comes to light requirements. It needs plenty of bright, direct sunlight all year.
Soil Conditions
To prevent root rot from oversaturated soil, it is best to plant Rat Tail Cactus in cactus/succulent potting soil that is mixed with nutrient-rich potting soil.
Water Requirements
This plant will need regular watering during its growing seasons (Spring and Summer) but may not need any water during Autumn and Winter. Its soil should be kept moist during the Spring and Summer months, while during Autumn and Winter, it should only be watered if its soil is completely dried out.
String of Bananas (Senecio Radicans)
This South African native is distinctive looking. It features tiny banana-shaped pods chained together by long streaming vines. It is definitely the quintessential hanging plant.
String of Bananas Growing Conditions
This plant can easily be grown from stem cuttings of healthy plants. Simply follow these steps:
- Use a clean cutting utensil to cut a healthy stem from a plant
- Allow the stem to dry out and callous
- Put succulent potting soil in a plant container with good drainage
- Set the cutting on top of the soil
- Water the soil
- Set the plant container in a warm and sunny area
Climate Conditions
This plant is tolerant of neither cold nor rain. It should only be planted outside when in USDA Hardiness zones 10 to 12.
Fertilizer Requirements
String of Bananas can be fertilized with a natural fertilizer that incorporates kelp and seaweed. Fertilizing should only be done during Spring and Summer months.
Light Requirements
When kept indoors, a String of Bananas should be set in a place that gets six hours of direct sunlight. This plant will also grow well when placed under grow lights. When kept outdoors, a String of Bananas should be set in a place that gets partial sun.
Soil Conditions
This succulent prefers arid soil with a pH level ranging between 6.6 and 7.5.
Water Requirements
String of Bananas is drought tolerant, just like most succulents, and therefore, requires little water. To prevent the plant from getting root rot due to overwatering, it is best to soak the plant container in a tray of water, and then, allow the soil to drain and dry between watering.
String of Turtles (Peperomia Prostrata)
Peperomia Prostrata comes from the tropics of Brazil, and because of this, it brings a unique twist to the world of hanging succulents. Just as its name implies, the shape of the leaves and the markings on the outside of the leaves of this succulent look like tiny turtle shells strung together on a vine. These features make it one of the easiest types of succulents to identify.
String of Turtles Growing Conditions
While this plant is not too fussy about its needs, it does require extra care when moving it from one plant container to another. Its leaves and vines are delicate and can easily bruise or be torn off, so touching and pulling on the vines or leaves should be avoided.
Climate Conditions
Unlike most succulents, String of Turtles thrives in cool and humid climates. The best temperatures for it to grow will range between 68- and 75-degrees Fahrenheit.
Fertilizer Requirements
String of Turtles can benefit from a diluted houseplant fertilizer during its growing season (Spring & Summer).
Light Requirements
Set this plant in a spot where it will receive indirect sunlight. Too much heat and direct sunlight will burn its delicate leaves.
Soil Conditions
This particular type of succulents prefers acidic soil that is rich in peat. It also needs the pH levels of the soil to remain within a range of 5 to 7.
Water Requirements
This succulent is quite different from other types of succulents. Where most succulents prefer hot and arid climates, String of Turtles likes a little moisture and mild temperatures. Even still, it is best to water this plant with the soak and dry method that is commonly used with succulents. This method prevents the root system from getting waterlogged and causing root rot.
Soak & Dry Watering Method Steps
- Place the plant container in a tray of water
- Let the plant container remain in the water for 15 minutes
- Remove the plant container and allow it to drain from the holes in its bottom
- Only water the plant when the soil is dry
- Use a watering app to track the plant’s watering habits and to get help with questions
Question: Is String of Turtles Toxic?
Answer: Yes, this succulent is toxic when ingested.
Question: Should String of Turtles be pruned?
Answer: While there may be occasions when rotten stems and leaves will need to be trimmed, pruning is not necessary for this succulent.
Question: Does String of Turtles Blossom?
Answer: On rare occasions, this plant can produce cream-colored flowers that look like tiny spikes.
Question: Is Fishbone Cactus Toxic?
Answer: Fishbone Cactus is not considered toxic.
Question: Should Fishbone Cactus be pruned?
Answer: Yes, it is recommended that these plants be trimmed from time to time.
Question: Does Fishbone Cactus Blossom?
Answer: Yes, but it is rare. When these plants do produce blossoms, they can be pink, yellow, or white, and will look like orchid flowers.
Question: Is Rat Tail Cactus Toxic?
Answer: It is unknown whether or not this plant is toxic; however, because it does have small spikes covering its stems, it is best to set this plant in a place where pets and children cannot reach it.
Question: Should Rat Tail Cactus be pruned?
Answer: Yes, this plant can be pruned. The pruned stems can then be used to propagate brand-new Rat Tail Cactus plants.
Question: Does Rat Tail Cactus Blossom?
Answer: Yes, this plant produces delicate blooms on the tips of its stems. They are usually violet-red, pink, or orange in color.
Question: Is Burro’s Tail Toxic?
Answer: This succulent is considered non-toxic.
Question: Should Burro’s Tail be pruned?
Answer: Yes, this succulent should be pruned when it begins to look long and unkempt. Pruning is also a great time to propagate new Burro’s Tail plants.
Question: Does Burro’s, Tail Blossom?
Answer: It is a rare occurrence for a Burro’s Tail plant to bloom, especially when it is kept indoors; however, it is possible in the right conditions. The blossoms will either be red or pink and will show up on the tips of the vines.
Concluding Thoughts
Succulents are sensible plants, and when they can be placed in a hanging planter, they become even more so. These five succulents are just the first step towards creating a treasured garden space inside or outside the walls of a house.
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