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If ever there was a plant that could bring the tropics indoors or into arid lands, the Monstera Epipremnoides it is. It is a wonderful plant to use as a decoration because it gives back so much beauty with such little effort. It is truly a houseplant extraordinaire.
How to Identify Swiss Cheese Plant
This plant is easy to tell apart from other members of its Philodendron family because of the giant holes in each of its leaves. It still has long oblong leaves that are vibrantly green, but the holes are its distinctive feature.
It can, however, be confused with Monstera Adansonii because they both grow with holes in their leaves. In this case, it is good to remember that the leaves of M. Epipremnoides plants are bigger, are a lighter shade of green, and have holes that reach their edges.
How to Grow Swiss Cheese Plant from Seed
When setting out to grow this type of plant from seed, it is best to gather all the necessary equipment for seed germination and planting before beginning. Once everything has been gathered, the process can begin. Here is a list of the necessary equipment for growing a seedling into a plant.
Choose a reputable seller of plant seeds to purchase from.
Seed Trays
This is a kit that includes peat pellets that will provide the space, food, and moisture that the tiny seedlings will need. The plastic cover will create a humid environment that is necessary for seed germination.
Plant Container
Select a plant container to transfer the sprouted seeds into.
Potting Soil
Select potting soil that has peat as its base.
Grow Lights
These will provide sufficient light to encourage the seedlings to grow.
Heat mat
This will keep the soil warm so the seedlings will grow.
After gathering all the necessary equipment for growing seedlings, follow these steps for planting them.
- Soak the seeds in a jar of warm water for 24 to 48 hours
- Place the seeds in the seed tray
- Water the pellets in the seed tray and fasten the lid to the tray
- Set the seed tray in a place that is warm and gets bright, indirect sunlight, or, use a heating mat and grow lights
- Once visible sprouts appear, begin acclimatizing them to open air by removing the seed tray lid for a few hours each day
- Once the sprouts have produced sturdy leaves, begin transplanting them to a bigger plant container filled with peat-based potting soil
How to Propagate Swiss Cheese Plant
This plant is very easy to propagate via cuttings. This is a process that should only be done during its growing season, which is springtime. The steps for doing this are as follows.
- Use a clean cutting utensil to slice off a stem that has a node
- If the stem has any leaves, remove the leaf that is nearest to the base of the stem
- Plant the stem in potting soil, making sure that the node is under the soil
- Water the soil and allow it to drain off any excess water
The stem should produce a root system of its own and begin growing in a few months.
Swiss Cheese Plant Growing Conditions
This plant is not cold tolerant but prefers warm and humid climates. It can be planted outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 9b to 11; otherwise, it will need to be kept in a plant container that can be transported inside during cold weather. They grow very well in hanging plant containers, on mossy posts, or as ground cover.
How to Plant Swiss Cheese Plant
This plant will need plenty of space for its root system to grow, which is why it will need to be replanted from time to time. When replanting a Swiss Cheese Plant, it will be necessary to select a plant container that is large enough to hold the plant and allow the root system to flourish. It is recommended to begin growing a Swiss Cheese Plant in a container that is 10” deep and between 10” and 20” wide. It can be moved to bigger plant containers as needed. Here are the steps for planting a Swiss Cheese Plant.
- Select a plant container that will hold the plant and allow it to grow
- Select a peat-based potting soil
- Water the plant a day before repotting it
- Fill the plant container two-thirds full of the potting soil
- Set the plant into the potting soil and fill the rest of the plant container with soil until the plant is secure
- Water the soil until the excess water flows from the bottom
- Wait two weeks to fertilize it
Swiss Cheese Plant Potting & Soil
Since Swiss Cheese Plants do not thrive in water-saturated soil, this plant needs a plant container or pot and soil that are well-draining. The pot should have holes in the bottom and the soil should contain ingredients such as perlite, coco coir, or pine bark to encourage water drainage.
Swiss Cheese Plant Water Requirements
This plant should only be watered when the soil around its stem is dry. Since it can easily be overwatered, it is a good idea to use a plant watering app to track when it has been watered and get tips on how to water it well.
Also, Swiss Cheese Plants enjoy a lot of humidity, which can actually keep the soil moist longer. Plant humidifiers or humidity trays are excellent ways to provide this environment when the natural climate is arid.
Swiss Cheese Plant Light Requirements
This plant needs plenty of filtered sunlight. If kept indoors, it should be placed in an east-facing window so that it can get soft sunlight in the morning. If an east-facing window is unavailable, then it can be placed in a window that gets afternoon sunlight as long as it is filtered through a screen or blinds. Too much direct sunlight will burn its leaves.
Best Swiss Cheese Plant Fertilizer
This plant doesn’t require fertilization, but it can handle up to three feedings a year. These feedings will encourage stronger and faster growth in the plant. The best type of fertilizer to use on a Swiss Cheese Plant is a slow-release granular type, such as Mittleider Magic Micro-Nutrient Mix. This fertilizer includes plenty of magnesium, which is a mineral that this plant loves.
Best Swiss Cheese Plant Companion Plantings
Swiss Cheese Plants naturally grow in areas where they are surrounded by other plants. In-home gardens and indoor décor can create an environment that is reminiscent of their natural home when they are given a few select companions. These three options listed below are sure to create a tropical paradise no matter where they are placed.
Shingling Plant (Monstera Dubia)
This plant has a unique method of growing. While it looks like it grows on trees, it is actually growing against trees. It follows the lines on the trees to grow upward to reach sunlight. What makes this a great companion plant for the Swiss Cheese Plant is that it is in the same family (Monstera) and it requires similar care.
Light Requirements
Set this plant in a place where it will get either filtered light or bright, indirect light. If it gets too much direct sunlight its leaves will burn.
Soil Requirements
This plant should be set in soil that drains well but is not sandy or dry. It needs plenty of organic material in the soil mix also. Mother Earth Coco Plus Perlite Mix is an excellent option for this plant.
Water Requirements
This plant loves water and will need plenty of regular watering. Its soil should not be allowed to dry out completely, but it also shouldn’t be allowed to remain soggy. Because it is a native of South American rainforests, it loves humidity, so it will need a humidity tray or regular spraying with a spray bottle.
- It is easy to learn how to water
- It grows up poles and posts
- It is very decorative
- It is easy to prune
- It is easy to propagate with stem cuttings
- It can get root rot
- It attracts scale insects and spider mites
Monstera Deliciosa
Confusingly, this plant is also referred to as a Swiss Cheese Plant. It, too, has large, oblong, and green leaves that are full of holes and sometimes disconnected spaces. Because these plants are in the same family, they look great next to each other and will require much the same type of care.
Light Requirements
It is fine to set this plant where it can get direct sunlight during the morning hours; however, it is best to keep it out of direct sunlight in the afternoon. It can also thrive in bright, filtered, or indirect sunlight all day.
Soil Requirements
The soil this plant is set in should drain well and include natural ingredients such as perlite and orchid bark.
Water Requirements
It should not need to be watered more than once a week unless the weather has been extra hot and dry. This plant enjoys moist soil but not soggy soil. It also enjoys at least 50% humidity wherever it is growing.
- It is easy to learn how to water
- It grows up poles and posts
- It is very decorative
- It is easy to prune
- It is easy to propagate with stem cuttings
- It can grow up to 10 feet tall
- It is not cold tolerant
- It can get root rot
Monstera Thai Constellation
This is actually a variety of Monstera Deliciosa, but its leaves are variegated to make it look like a new type of Monstera plant. Since it is in the Monstera family, it is known to be easy to look at and easy to care for – two qualities that make it the perfect companion plant for a Swiss Cheese Plant.
Light Requirements
Just like other types of Monstera plants, Thai Constellation cannot handle direct sunlight for very long. It will grow best when placed in a spot that gets bright, indirect, or filtered sunlight. This plant can also grow under grow lights.
Soil Requirements
This plant will grow best in peat-rich soil that is also well-draining. The soil should contain perlite and bark and maintain a pH level ranging between 5 and 7.5.
Water Requirements
It is always a good idea to check the moisture level of this plant’s soil before watering it. Only water it if the top two inches of soil is dry, otherwise, wait another day to try again. This plant needs at least 60% humidity in the air. This can be provided by spray bottles or humidifiers.
- It is very decorative
- It is easy to prune
- It is less drought tolerant than other types of Monstera plants
- It grows very slowly
- It is more susceptible to root rot than other types of Monstera plants
- It requires stem cuttings that have nodes and leaves in order to propagate a new plant
- It is poisonous if the sap is touched or the plant is consumed
Swiss Cheese Plant Diseases and Common Problems
There are a few things that can harm this plant. To prevent the plant from dying or struggling to survive, it is best to learn a few of the common ailments faced by Swiss Cheese Plants.
- Unhealthy Sun Exposure
- Root Rot
- Stagnated Growth
- Spider Mites
- Scale Insects
Swiss Cheese Plant Treatments and Maintenance
To treat the common pests and diseases faced by Swiss Cheese Plants, follow these directions:
Unhealthy Sun Exposure
The symptoms of this are leaves that look yellow, dry, or have brown edges. Here are the steps for treating this:
- Move the plant to an area where it will not get direct sunlight
- Place a humidifier in the same area as the plant
- Trim off any dry or dead leaves
Root Rot
The symptoms of this are brown leaves. Follow these steps to treat this:
- Remove the plant from its current container
- Rinse the soil off the roots
- Trim any rotten roots
- Replant it in a clean container with fresh soil, both of which, should drain well
Stagnated Growth
This could be caused by a lack of room in the plant’s container. If the plant has not been replanted into a larger container for a few years, growth stagnation is probably a sign that it is time to do so.
Spider Mites
These can be picked off by hand or sprayed off with a hose. If there are any mites remaining on the leaves, they can be wiped off with a cloth and rubbing alcohol or soap and water.
Scale Insects
These can be removed by wiping a soft-bristled toothbrush along the stem and leaves. It is best to prevent these insects from infesting a plant by rubbing the leaves with neem oil.
Where to Buy Swiss Cheese Plant Seeds Online
When shopping for Monstera seeds online, look for sellers that offer 5 to 10 seeds in their sets. Reputable sellers should price their seeds between $1 to $2 per seed. Etsy is one of the best places to purchase Monstera seeds because it allows you to adjust seller locations in order to avoid Customs charges and a longer waiting period for their delivery.
Where to Buy Mature Swiss Cheese Plants Online
This plant is rare and can be a little difficult to find online, but here are some great online plant shops to begin searching for a Swiss Cheese Plant.
Question: Is Swiss Cheese Plant Toxic?
Answer: Yes, these plants are known to be toxic, and therefore, should be kept in a place where animals and children cannot reach them.
Question: What Are the Symptoms of Poisoning by a Swiss Cheese Plant?
Answer: If this plant is consumed by a pet, it can cause any of the following symptoms for up to two weeks.
• Burning of the mouth, throat, lips, and tongue
• Drooling
• Swelling of the throat
• Difficulty swallowing
If a pet has ingested this plant, it can be dealt with by rinsing out their mouth with water and giving them a dairy product (cheese, yogurt, milk) to eat. Benadryl will help reduce swelling and keep the airways open. If symptoms grow worse, it is advised to contact a veterinarian or Animal Poison Control.
Question: How Large Can Swiss Cheese Plant Grow?
Answer: The leaves of this plant can grow between 12 and 21 inches long and up to 13 inches wide. The plant itself can grow up to 13 feet tall.
Monstera Epipremnoides: Concluding Thoughts
With very little effort, Swiss Cheese Plant, aka, Monstera Epipremnoides, has made a name for itself as the ideal houseplant. It brings warmth, cheerful greenery, tropical vibes, and an easy-going atmosphere wherever it is planted. Surely this is the ideal houseplant.
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