Monstera Peru: How to Take Care for This Plant?

This incredibly attractive trailing plant comes from the Amazon rainforest of South America. It makes the perfect plant to use as an indoor tropical decoration. Not only is it beautiful but also it is easy to grow, which means that it is the perfect plant for new gardeners to learn on.

How to Identify Monstera Peru

Monstera Peru

When it comes to identifying this plant, look at its leaves and feel them as well. The leaves of Monstera Peru are dark green, oval-shaped, and have ridges running from tip to tip. The leaves of this plant feel leathery and have a texture that reminds some gardeners of braille. Mature leaves can grow with open spaces in them.

How to Grow Monstera Peru from Seed

Typically, these plants are grown from stem cuttings rather than from seedlings; however, it can be done. To grow a Monstera Peru from seed, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase seeds from a reputable seller (sellers who price their seeds between $1 and $2)
  2. Soak the seeds in water for 24 to 48 hours
  3. Fill a container with a seed starting soil mix
  4. Plant the seeds in the soil mix
  5. Water the soil so that it is moist but not soggy
  6. Place plastic wrap over the top of the container
  7. Set the container in a warm spot that gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight
  8. Once sprouts appear above the soil level, acclimatize them to open-air
  9. Once the plants are established, move them to a more permanent plant container

How to Propagate Monstera Peru

This type of plant is incredibly easy to propagate via stem cuttings. There are two methods for working through this process. They are propagation in water and propagation in soil. The steps are similar but do have some differing aspects. Let’s look at both methods in more detail.

Propagation in Water

  1. Using a sterile cutting utensil, cut off a healthy stem that includes a leaf and a node
  2. Set the stem in a container filled with water
  3. Set the container in a place that gets bright but indirect sunlight
  4. Change the water every other week
  5. Once roots have been established on the stem, plant the stem in a container filled with potting soil that contains a mixture of perlite
  6. Water the potting soil and keep it moist but not soggy
  7. Set the plant in a warm spot with bright, indirect sunlight

Propagation in Soil

  1. Using a sterile cutting utensil, cut off a healthy stem that includes a leaf and a node
  2. Pull off any leaves that are near the bottom of the stem
  3. Fill a plant container with potting soil and set the stem 2 to 3 inches into the soil
  4. Moisten the soil with water
  5. Set the plant in a warm spot with bright, indirect sunlight
  6. Water the plant when the top inch of soil is dry
  7. Shoots should appear on the plant after a few weeks

Monstera Peru Growing Conditions

Monstera Peru Growth

This tropical plant thrives in an environment that is warm and humid. In order to grow a healthy Monstera Peru plant, it is necessary to keep the humidity levels at least as high as 50% and the temperatures no lower than 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Since this combination is not a favored environment for most humans, it may be best to supply heat and humidity to this plant via a plant humidifier or a pebble tray.

Another point of care for Monstera Peru is that it needs a place to attach its vines to in order to grow. A moss pole is an excellent way to provide a climbing structure for the trailing vines.

How to Plant Monstera Peru

On average, this plant may need repotted every three years. Repotting will provide it with new, fresh soil that contains nutrients for healthy growth. The steps for repotting a Monstera Peru are:

  1. Fill the new container with potting soil
  2. Create a hole in the soil for the plant to set inside
  3. Carefully remove the plant from its current container
  4. Gently dust off any excess soil from its roots
  5. Set the plant into the hole in the new container
  6. Spread the soil around so that the plant is secure in its new container
  7. Water the plant
  8. Set it in a warm spot with indirect sunlight

Monstera Peru Potting & Soil

When it comes to soil conditions, Monstera Peru requires soil that has a pH level ranging between 5 and 7.5. It is easy to test soil pH levels using a Soil pH Meter. To alkaline soil, add aged sawdust, wood chips, peat moss, pine needles, or oak leaves to it. To create higher levels of acidity in soil, add bone meal, hardwood ashes, or ground eggshells to it. For a more detailed look at how to adjust soil pH levels, read this article.

Balanced soil pH levels are not the only thing that Monstera Peru requires. It also needs soil that has the ability to drain-well but still hold some moisture. This type of soil needs to include plenty of organic material that will provide nutrients to the plant. This homemade soil recipe is an excellent choice for any type of Monstera plant, especially Monstera Peru.

Monstera Peru Water Requirements

Monstera Peru Plant

Since this plant is a native of the tropics, it requires plenty of water; in fact, it should not sit in dry soil for very long. Even still, it can suffer from overwatering and root rot. The best way to know when this plant needs water is to test the moisture level of its soil. If the top two inches of its soil is dry, it can use a drink, if however, the top two inches are still moist, it does not need any more water.

Take advantage of technology to help water Monstera plants appropriately. Plant watering apps are a great way to set reminders and get answers to common plant care questions.

Monstera Peru Light Requirements

While this plant does grow in bright, sunny and warm locales, it does not prefer a lot of direct sunlight. Because Monstera Peru is a vining plant that grows underneath foliage, a lot of direct sunlight will cause its leaves to burn and dry out. It is best to provide this plant with a lot of bright, but indirect sunlight. To be sure that the plant is getting the appropriate amount of light, use a light meter to test indoor light capacity.

Best Monstera Peru Fertilizer

This plant does not require a lot of fertilizer to grow strong, but it can benefit from feedings once a month during spring and summer. During the winter months, it is not necessary to fertilize it. This break will allow the plant to rest and the salt buildup to diminish.

One of the best options for fertilizing a Monster Peru is a fertilizer tea. Try making a batch of fertilizer tea from organic materials and treat the plant to a gentle feeding.

Monstera Peru Companion Plantings

All types of Monstera plants have a design feature that makes them perfect to grow with a companion or two. They simply look great with another plant resting next to them. The following three plants are just a sampling of the many options that will look wonderful as a companion plant for Monstera Peru.

Five Holes Plant

Five Hole Plant

This option for a companion plant features leaves that are variegated in green, cream, white, or yellow. It is also a vining plant from the jungles of South America. Five Holes Plant and Monstera Peru have many common features and care requirements. This makes it easy to grow them together without getting a PhD in horticulture.

Common Features

  • Both plants grow long, trellising vines
  • Both plants are from the rainforests of South America
  • Both plants require bright, indirect sunlight
  • Both plants require moist soil that is not soggy
  • Both plants require warm, humid air
  • Both plants are easy to grow on mossy poles or in hanging plant containers
  • Both plants require soil that is full of organic material and is well draining


  • Its leaves can be several different colors


  • It is toxic
  • It is easy to propagate via stem cuttings
  • It is susceptible to root rot
  • It is susceptible to infestations of mealybugs, scale bugs, and spider mites

 Philodendron Bipinnatifidum


This is a plant with full, luscious, and beautiful leaves.  It is also native to the tropical regions of South America, and consequently, has plenty of shared features and care requirements with Monstera Peru.

Common Ground

  • Both plants enjoy plenty of indirect sunlight
  • Both plants like moist but not soggy soil
  • Both plants prefer warm, humid air


  • It has a lot in common with Monstera Minima
  • It is easy to care for
  • It is easy to propagate via stem cuttings


  • It is toxic to animals
  • It requires a balanced fertilizer during its growing season
  • Its leaves get dusty when grown indoors
  • It attracts pests, such as, spider mites, fungus gnats, and aphids
  • It is susceptible to root rot

Calathia Orbifolia

Calathia Orbifolia

This plant comes from a completely different family than Monstera Peru; nevertheless, it is a native of the jungles of Bolivia. Its leaves are a beautiful dark green and the unique feature of them is that they close during the night and reopen when morning comes.

It, too, is an easy-going plant that does not require a lot of fussy maintenance. This makes it a great companion plant for Monstera Peru.

Common Ground

  • Both plants enjoy plenty of indirect sunlight
  • Both plants like moist but not soggy soil
  • Both plants require soil that is full of organic material and is well draining


  • It can produce flowers
  • It is easy to replant
  • It is easy to propagate via seed or stem cuttings


  • It is a large plant that can grow up to three feet tall and three feet wide
  • It is susceptible to root rot
  • Its leaves can fade in color due to too much sunlight

Monstera Peru Diseases and Common Problems

Monstera Peru Diseases

While this plant is easy to care for, it is still susceptible to infestations and diseases.  The most common problems it faces are:

  • Root rot
  • Insect infestations

Monstera Peru Treatments and Maintenance

When a plant is facing an infestation or a common problem, it is best to act quickly to save the plant.  These are the steps to treat the most common problems faced by Monstera Peru.

Root rot

The symptoms of this will be leaves that are soggy, curled, or browning. To treat this problem, let the soil dry out completely and set the plant in a place where it will get plenty of airflow.  If it is still struggling with too much water in its container, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the plant from its container
  2. Wash off all the dirt from its roots
  3. Cut off any roots that are rotten
  4. Replant the plant in a clean container with fresh soil
  5. Wait to water it for a few days

Insect infestations

This can come in the form of fungus gnats, mealybugs, scale bugs, or spider mites. Each type of infestation will require a special treatment.

Fungus Gnats

Evidence of this type of infestation is the presence of mosquito-like insects flying around the plant. To deal with this infestation, follow these steps:

  1. Remove any parts of the plant that have been affected by the fungus
  2. Remove the plant from its current container
  3. Wash the plant and its roots
  4. Replant the plant in a clean container with fresh soil


This type of infestation looks like cotton that has attached itself to a plant’s stems and leaves. To deal with this infestation, follow these steps:

  1. Spray a solution of alcohol and water on the leaves
  2. Rub the leaves with a cotton ball
  3. Coat the leaves in neem oil or insecticidal soap every few days

Scale Bugs

This type of infestation looks like tiny brown bumps on the backs of the plant’s leaves. To deal with this type of infestation, follow these steps:

  1. Spray them off with a hose
  2. Wipe the remainder off with neem oil and a cloth
  3. Prevent them from returning by coating the leaves with neem oil regularly

Spider Mites

This type of infestation looks like webbing spread over the plant’s leaves and stems. To deal with this type of infestation, follow these steps:

  1. Spray the plant with a mixture of 1 quart of warm water, 1 tsp. of dish soap, and 2 tsps. Of neem oil
  2. Wipe off the leaves and stems
  3. Repeat as necessary

Where to Buy Monstera Peru Seeds Online

Purchasing seeds online is an easy way to gather gardening supplies.  Some of the best places to purchase seeds online are from these online shops:

Where to Buy Mature Monstera Peru Online

Not only are seeds available for purchase online, but also, mature plants.  Some of the best places to purchase Monstera Peru plants online are from these shops:


Question: Is Monstera Peru Toxic?

Answer: Yes, unfortunately, this plant is toxic if ingested.  Symptoms of ingesting one of these plants include:
Inability to breath
Inability to swallow

If an animal shows any of these signs, it is recommended that a veterinarian be consulted or Animal Poison Control be contacted.  If a child shows any of these symptoms, contact a medical professional or the Poison Control Center immediately.
The sap of Monstera Peru is also toxic and it should only be handled with gloves.

Question: Should Monstera Peru be Pruned?

Answer: Yes, this plant can benefit from pruning. Not only does it make the plant look better and clear off the dead and straggly leaves and stems, but it also provides an opportune time to propagate new Monstera Peru plants from cuttings.

Question: How Large Will Monstera Peru Grow?

Answer: In the wild, this plant can grow up to 5 feet tall and its trailing vines can spread up to 13 feet wide.

Concluding Thoughts

Monstera Peru is another wonderful tropical plant that is excellent as an indoor decoration or as outdoor foliage. It looks great in a hanging planter or set on a shelf where its vines can hang and grow at their leisure. Including this plant in a garden or indoor space is a hassle-free way to bring the tropics home.

Research Citations

The Yard and Garden

Gardening It

Evergreen Seeds

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