Satin Pothos: How to Take Care of This Vine Plant at Home?

Satin Pothos (Scindapsus Pictus ‘Argyraeus’) is a tropical vining plant that is originally from Southeast Asia. It is an ideal plant for those who are beginner gardeners or for those who love plants but need something that doesn’t require a lot of technical care.

How to Identify Satin Pothos

The key identifier of this plant is its leaves. The leaves of a Satin Pothos plant are heart-shaped, shiny, and have variegated silver-gray spots on them.

How to Grow Satin Pothos from Seed

It is best to grow Satin Pothos in the springtime, no matter which method is used to propagate a new plant.  To grow this plant from seed, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase seeds from a reputable seller (sellers who price their seeds between $1 and $2)
  2. Fill a container with a seed starting soil mix
  3. Plant the seeds in the soil mix
  4. Water the soil so that it is moist but not soggy
  5. Place plastic wrap over the top of the container
  6. Set the container in a warm spot that gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight
  7. Once sprouts appear above the soil level, acclimatize them to open-air
  8. Once the plants have established roots, move them to a more permanent plant container

How to Propagate Satin Pothos

Satin Pothos

This plant can be propagated via tip cuttings. This is a simple and straightforward process.  The steps for doing this are as follows:

  1. Prepare to propagate during the spring or early summer months
  2. Using a sterile cutting utensil, cut off a healthy tip that is at least four inches long
  3. Set the tip in a container filled with potting mix that has peat moss as its base
  4. Set the container in a place that gets bright but indirect sunlight
  5. Water the potting soil and keep it moist but not soggy
  6. The cutting should begin growing roots in approximately one month

Satin Pothos Growing Conditions

The natural environment where Satin Pothos originated is a warm and humid place. This means that the plant needs plenty of heat and humidity to grow strong and healthy. The ideal climate for this plant is a temperature range of 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit with humidity levels of at least 40%. While this may be ideal for the plant, it is not an ideal climate for most people. To resolve this, the plant can be set next to a plant humidifier or on a pebble tray.

How to Plant Satin Pothos

This plant may need to be repotted every other year depending on how fast it grows. Evidence that it needs a bigger container, is that its roots are growing out of the drainage holes.

Even if the plant does not outgrow its container it is still a good idea to repot it every few years so that it gets access to fresh, nutrient-rich soil.

The steps for repotting a Satin Pothos are also simple and straightforward. They are as follows:

  1. Fill a new container that is two inches larger than its previous container with potting soil
  2. Create a hole in the soil for the plant to set inside
  3. Carefully remove the plant from its current container by laying the plant on its side and then pulling the pot off the root system
  4. Gently dust off any excess soil from its roots
  5. Set the plant into the hole in the new container
  6. Spread the soil around so that the plant is secure in its new container
  7. Water the plant
  8. Set it in a warm spot with indirect sunlight

Satin Pothos Potting & Soil

When it comes to soil conditions, Satin Pothos requires soil that has a pH level ranging between 6.1 and 6.5.  It is easy to test soil pH levels using a Soil pH Meter.  To alkaline soil, add aged sawdust, wood chips, peat moss, pine needles, or oak leaves to it.

To create higher levels of acidity in the soil, add bone meal, hardwood ashes, or ground eggshells to it.  For a more detailed look at how to adjust soil pH levels, read this article. Balanced soil pH levels are not the only thing that Satin Pothos requires.  It also needs potting soil that is well-draining and includes equal parts of the following ingredients:

  • Peat moss
  • Pine bark
  • Perlite
  • Vermiculite

This is an easy potting mix to create from supplies found at lawn and garden stores.

Satin Pothos Water Requirements

Satin Pothos

The best way to know when this plant needs water is to test the moisture level of its soil.  If the top two inches of its soil is dry, it can use a drink. If, however, the top two inches are still moist, it does not need any more water.

Use the soak and dry method to ensure that the plant is not overwatered. The steps for doing this are as follows:

  1. Test the soil moisture level before giving it a drink.
  2. If the plant needs a drink, fill a tray with a few inches of water.
  3. Set the plant container in the tray of water.
  4. Let the plant soak in the water for fifteen minutes.  The roots will soak up water from the bottom of the container.
  5. Take the plant container out of the water.
  6. Allow the excess water to drain from the holes in the bottom of the plant container.

Try using a plant watering app to track when a plant has been watered, set reminders to water it, and get answers to common plant care questions.

Satin Pothos Light Requirements

Since the leaves of this plant can get burnt and lose their variegation, it should never be set in direct sunlight. Satin Pothos does best in bright, but indirect or filtered sunlight.

A light meter can be used to test indoor light capacity and ensure that the plant is receiving the amount of sunlight it needs.

Best Satin Pothos Fertilizer

Satin Pothos should be fertilized once a month in spring, summer, and fall. It should be allowed to rest in the winter. The best type of fertilizer to use on this plant is one that is a 20-10-10 water-soluble type that has been diluted to a half dose.

Best Satin Pothos Companion Plantings

A great way to decorate is to accessorize with a variety of plants. These can be plants that are from the same family or from entirely different families and regions of the world.

Since most plants look great sitting next to any other type of plant, the important thing to consider when purchasing a plant companion is how different their needs are.

It is far easier to care for multiple plants when they require the same type of care. With that in mind, let’s look at three different plants that require nearly the same type of care as a Satin Pothos plant.

Neon Pothos

Neon Pothos

This is a plant that is considered perfect for beginner gardeners. Its luminescent green leaves are beautiful and stunning. Its care requirements are unfussy and hassle-free. Neon Pothos is definitely a great companion plant for its family member, Satin Pothos.

Light Requirements

Set Neon Pothos plants in a spot that receives plenty of bright, indirect sunlight.

Soil Requirements

Neon Pothos plants require soil that is well-draining, includes organic material, and has a pH level range of 6.1 to 6.5.

Water Requirements

Neon Pothos plants require plenty of water and should not be allowed to sit in dry soil. It is best to water this plant using the soak and dry method.


  • It has a lot of common care requirements with Satin Pothos
  • It is easy to care for
  • It is a unique-looking plant


  • It is toxic
  • It is susceptible to infestations of mealybugs
  • It is susceptible to root rot
  • It is susceptible to manganese toxicity

Monstera Minima

Monstera Minima

This plant is also a native of Southeast Asia. It is easy-going, unfussy, and is incredibly unique-looking. Monstera Minima’s long, oblong, and holey leaves are sure to pair perfectly with a Satin Pothos.

Light Requirements

Set Monstera Minima plants in a spot that receives plenty of bright, indirect sunlight.

Soil Requirements

Monstera Minima plants require soil that is well-draining and remains moist but does not stay soggy.

Water Requirements

Monster Minima should only be watered when the top two inches of its soil is dry. It, too, should be watered using the soak and dry method.


  • It grows as a decorative trailing vine
  • It is easy to care for
  • It has a lot of common care requirements with Satin Pothos plants


  • It is susceptible to root rot
  • It is susceptible to infestations of spider mites
  • It is toxic

Rex Begonia

Rex Begonia

This is a tropical perennial plant from Southeast Asia. Its leaves are variegated with shades of brown, silver, green, red, pink, or purple. It is a beauty that is easy to care for and will provide a boost of color when set next to a Satin Pothos.

Light Requirements

Rex Begonia plants should be set in an indoor place that receives plenty of bright, filtered sunlight or, alternatively, an outdoor place that is partially shaded.

Soil Requirements

Rex Begonia plants can be grown in a standard potting mix as long as it is well-draining and has a pH level that ranges from 5.7 to 6.2.

Water Requirements

Rex Begonia plants should be watered when their soil is dry and it is best to use the soak and dry method to avoid getting water on its leaves. It also needs plenty of humidity, which is why this is an ideal plant to pair with other plants. Clustering plants together can provide them with extra humidity.


  • It is easy to propagate via stem cuttings
  • It likes to be slightly pot-bound
  • It has a lot of common care requirements with Satin Pothos plants
  • It is easy to care for


  • It is toxic
  • It requires at least 50% humidity in its environment
  • It is susceptible to mildew, bacterial leaf spot, and botrytis
  • It is susceptible to infestations of mealybugs, aphids, and caterpillars

Satin Pothos Diseases and Common Problems

Satin Pothos

This is a relatively hardy and disease-free plant. The few problems it does face are simple to detect and fix.  The most common problems it faces are:

Root Rot

Evidence of this problem is leaves that have turned brown or black.

Scale Bugs

Evidence of this problem is round lumps on the plant’s leaves and stems.  These lumps are usually small, round, and brown in color.

Spider Mites

Evidence of a spider mite infestation will show up as webbing on the leaves and stems.

Satin Pothos Treatments and Maintenance

Although this plant doesn’t face any serious problems, it is always best to treat any infestations or diseases quickly so that the plant can be saved and nearby plants do not get infected as well. These are the steps to treat the most common problems faced by Satin Pothos plants.

Root Rot

To treat this problem, let the soil dry out completely and set the plant in a place where it will get plenty of airflow.  If it is still struggling with too much water in its container, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the plant from its container
  2. Wash off all the dirt from its roots
  3. Cut off any roots that are rotten
  4. Replant the plant in a clean container with fresh soil
  5. Wait to water it for a few days

Scale Bugs

To deal with an infestation of scale bugs, follow these steps:

  1. Spray them off with a hose or shower nozzle
  2. Wipe the remainder off with a cloth and insecticidal soap
  3. Do not apply neem oil since it can clog the leaves

Spider Mites

To treat this type of infestation, follow these steps:

  1. Wash off the mites with a hose or shower nozzle
  2. If necessary, mix insecticidal soap and water in a spray bottle
  3. Spray and wipe the leaves and stems of the plant clean
  4. Repeat as necessary

Where to Buy Satin Pothos Seeds Online

When searching for seeds to grow a Satin Pothos plant from the ground up, try one of these online shops.

Where to Buy Mature Satin Pothos Online

This plant is wonderful to own or to give away as a gift. Search for a mature Satin Pothos plant at one of these online shops.


Question: Is Satin Pothos Toxic?

Answer: Yes, this plant is mildly toxic to humans and animals. It should not be set in a place where small children or pets could ingest it. It also should not be pruned without gloves.

Question: How Large Will Satin Pothos Grow?

Answer: Since this is a vining plant, it can be pruned to stay small, but it can also be encouraged to grow long stems. Typically, it grows between four and ten feet long.

Question: Does Satin Pothos Produce Blooms?

Answer: Yes, but it is very rare for one of these plants to bloom when it is kept indoors.

Concluding Thoughts

Satin Pothos is another tropical plant that is hassle-free and lovely to use in any garden or home setting. Its unfussy nature is suited for beginner gardeners or for bringing a little nature indoors even when life is busy.

Research Citations

The Spruce

Guide to Houseplants

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