pink princess philodendron flower

Pink Princess Philodendron: How to Grow and Take Care of It

Of all the philodendron plants on the market, the Pink Princess is the most uncommon. It is a combination of its unique features and the highly scientific method of propagation that cause this plant to be a status symbol in the world of plantfluencers.

Unfortunately, this high demand has also caused the plant to be extremely pricey and difficult to find.

How to Identify Pink Princess Philodendron

Since this plant is absolutely unique, it is quite easy to identify. Its key identifier is the color of its leaves. When they first appear on the plant, the leaves are a dark olive-green variegated with white markings. As the leaves mature, they turn nearly black and the variegated marks become a brilliant pink.

There is no way to determine how much pink one of these plants will have on its leaves; in fact, some plants never produce any leaves with pink on them.

How to Grow Pink Princess Philodendron from Seed

Pink Princess Philodendron

This plant is usually propagated in a lab from plant tissue cultures. The reason why this method is preferred is that there is no guarantee that Pink Princess seeds will actually produce a plant with pink leaves. Unfortunately, the need for this highly scientific method of propagation is the main reason why this plant is so rare and expensive.

If, however, Pink Princess Philodendron seeds are acquired, they can be planted in the following method:

  1. Purchase seeds from a reputable seller
  2. Fill a container with a seed starting soil mix
  3. Plant the seeds in the soil mix
  4. Water the soil so that it is moist but not soggy
  5. Place plastic wrap over the top of the container
  6. Set the container in a warm spot that gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight
  7. Once sprouts appear above the soil level, acclimatize them to open air
  8. Once the plants have established roots, move them to a more permanent plant container

How to Propagate Pink Princess Philodendron

Once again, this method of propagation does not guarantee that it will produce a plant with pink leaves. It will still produce a nice philodendron, but it may not be the stylish plant that it was intended to be. There are three methods for propagating one of these plants. Let’s look at each method in detail.

Water Propagation

The steps for doing this are as follows:

  1. Using a sterile cutting utensil, cut off a healthy stem that includes a node
  2. Set the stem in a container filled with water for 6 to 8 weeks
  3. Set the container in a place that gets bright but indirect sunlight
  4. Change the water every other week
  5. Once roots are an inch long, plant the stem in a container filled with potting soil that contains a mixture of perlite
  6. Water the potting soil and keep it moist but not soggy

Soil Propagation

  1. Using a sterile cutting utensil, cut off a healthy stem that includes a node
  2. Pull off any leaves that are near the bottom of the stem
  3. Fill a plant container with potting soil and set the stem 2 to 3 inches into the soil
  4. Moisten the soil with water
  5. Set the plant in a warm spot with bright, indirect sunlight
  6. Water the plant when the top inch of soil is dry
  7. Shoots should appear on the plant after a few weeks

Bare Stem Propagation

  1. Fill a clear container with a mix of potting soil and perlite (50/50 ratio of each ingredient)
  2. Water the soil mixture until it is moist but not soggy
  3. Using a sterile cutting utensil, cut off a healthy stem that includes several nodes
  4. Cut each segment of the stem into two-inch pieces making sure that each segment includes a node
  5. Set the stem segments into the soil mixture (half-buried will be fine)
  6. Make sure the nodes are facing out of the soil mixture
  7. Place a clear lid or plastic wrap over the container
  8. Set the container in a place that is warm and has access to bright, indirect sunlight
  9. Open the lid or remove the plastic wrap every few days so that the stems get some fresh air
  10. Once the stems have produces leaves, remove the lid or plastic wrap entirely
  11. Transfer the new plants into a small plant container with potting soil

Pink Princess Philodendron Growing Conditions

This plant grows as a vine, so it does need something to support its long trellising vines. A trellis or a moss pole are great options to set in its container.  It is also important that it be placed in a plant container that is the proper size. To find the ideal size for a Pink Princess, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the height of the plant from soil level to its highest tip
  2. Divide its height by three (this number should equal the diameter of the perfect plant container in inches)

Not only is a support system and an adequately sized plant container necessary for growing a happy and healthy plant, but it is also necessary to consider heat and humidity. Pink Princess thrives in an environment that is both hot and humid.

It will need access to air temperatures that are between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity levels above 50%. These are not ideal conditions for humans to live in, so it may be necessary to purchase a plant humidifier or a pebble tray.

How to Plant Pink Princess Philodendron

Pink Princess Philodendron

Since this is a slow-growing plant, it does not need to be repotted very often.  However, it is still important to repot it from time to time to provide it with new, fresh soil and room to grow.  The steps for repotting a Pink Princess Philodendron plant are:

  1. Fill a plant container with potting soil
  2. Create a hole in the soil for the plant to set inside
  3. Carefully remove the plant from its current container
  4. Gently dust off any excess soil from its roots
  5. Set the plant into the hole in the new container
  6. Spread the soil around so that the plant is secure in its new container
  7. Water the plant
  8. Set it in a warm spot with indirect sunlight

Pink Princess Philodendron Potting & Soil

This type of plant requires soil that is airy and well-draining. It is always a good idea to mix vermiculite into its potting soil so that it has plenty of air near its roots.

Pink Princess Philodendron Water Requirements

The best way to water this plant is to use the soak and dry method.  The steps for doing this are as follows:

  1. Test the soil moisture level before giving it a drink.  If the top inch of its soil is dry, it can use a drink, if however, the top inch is still moist, it does not need any more water.
  2. If the plant needs a drink, fill a tray with a few inches of water.
  3. Set the plant container in the tray of water.
  4. Let the plant soak in the water for fifteen minutes.  The roots will soak up water from the bottom of the container.
  5. Take the plant container out of the water.
  6. Allow the excess water to drain from the holes in the bottom of the plant container.

For peace of mind, try using a plant watering app to track when a plant has been watered, set reminders to water it, and get answers to common plant care questions.

Pink Princess Philodendron Light Requirements

This plant grows and looks best when placed in a spot that gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight.  A light meter can help to test indoor light capacity to ensure that the plant is receiving the amount of sunlight it needs.

Best Pink Princess Philodendron Fertilizer

While this plant does not require much feeding throughout the year, it can benefit from a little boost during the summer months while it is growing. Give it an organic fertilizer every two to three weeks during this season.

Best Pink Princess Philodendron Companion Plantings

Not only does this plant look beautiful next to other types of tropical plants, but plant companions can also improve its health. This is because the more plants placed together in a space, the more humidity there is in the space.

Monstera Epipremnoides

Monstera Epipremnoides

This is a unique-looking tropical plant that is also known as a Swiss Cheese plant. It is also a part of the Philodendron family, and consequently, has many of the same requirements as a Pink Princess. This commonality makes it easy to care both at the same time.

Light Requirements

Monstera Epipremnoides requires plenty of bright, but indirect sunlight.

Soil Requirements

Monstera Epipremnoides requires soil that drains well and contains perlite, coco coir, or pine bark.

Water Requirements

Monstera Epipremnoides requires the same type of watering method as Pink Princess, that is, it only needs water when the top inch of its soil is dry. Also, it can benefit from a plant humidifier or a pebble tray.


  • It is easy to care for
  • It has many requirement needs that are similar to Pink Princess Philodendron
  • It has a unique look


  • It is toxic
  • It is susceptible to root rot
  • It is susceptible to infestations of spider mites and scale insects

Philodendron Xanadu

Philodendron Xanadu

This is another tropical plant in the Philodendron family that features split leaves.  It grows upright but does not require support to do so.  It is both beautiful and easy to care for.

Light Requirements

Philodendron Xanadu requires plenty of bright, but indirect sunlight.

Soil Requirements

Philodendron Xanadu requires soil that drains well but will still hold a little moisture.

Water Requirements

Philodendron Xanadu should only be watered when the top inch of its soil is dry. Also, it can benefit from a plant humidifier or a pebble tray.


  • It does not require much pruning
  • It is resistant to most pests


  • It is toxic
  • It is not cold tolerant
  • It suffers from underwatering

Rhaphidophora Decursiva

Rhaphidophora Decursiva

This is a tropical plant that features brilliant green and glossy leaves that can grow up to 40 inches long and 20 inches wide in its natural habitat. While it will be much smaller when kept as an indoor plant, it will still look wonderful as a companion to Pink Princess Philodendron.

Light Requirements

Rhaphidophora Decursiva should be placed in a spot that gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight.

Soil Requirements

Rhaphidophora Decursiva should be placed in soil that drains well and contains vermiculite or orchid bark.

Water Requirements

Rhaphidophora Decursiva should only be watered when the top two inches of its soil is dry. Also, it should not be watered while the plant container is resting on its saucer since this could cause the plant to be overwatered. It will need a space to drain off any excess water that is in its container.

Pink Princess Philodendron Diseases and Common Problems

This plant does face a few different diseases and problems that are common to philodendrons. These can include the following:

Leaf Discoloration

This is when leaves begin to turn yellow but are not doing so due to their age.

Mosaic Virus

Evidence of a plant that is facing this virus is stunted growth, leaves that have a yellow and green mosaic pattern on them, leaves that are malformed or pointed, and leaves that are spotted or streaked in yellow.

Mealy Bugs

Evidence of an infestation of mealybugs is small white spots that look like cotton on leaves and stems.

Spider Mites

Evidence of a spider mite infestation will show up as webbing on the leaves and stems.

Scale Insects

Evidence of this problem is round lumps on the plant’s leaves and stems.  These lumps are usually small, round, and brown in color.

Pink Princess Philodendron Treatments and Maintenance

Pink Princess Philodendron Treatments and Maintenance

To save a plant, it is best to act quickly when a plant shows signs of infestation or a common problem.  These are the steps to treat the most common problems faced by Pink Princess Philodendron.

Leaf Discoloration

This could be caused by exposure to temperatures that are too cold, too much direct sunlight, or not enough fertilizer. To figure out the reason why a plant’s leaves are discolored is a process of elimination. The plant may need to be moved to a warmer spot, a spot with less light, or it may just need a feeding.

Mosaic Virus

Unfortunately, there is no way to cure Mosaic Virus. A plant that is infected with this virus should be discarded so that it doesn’t pass the disease on to any other plants.

Mealy Bugs

To deal with an infestation of mealybugs, follow these steps:

  1. Spray a solution of alcohol and water on the leaves
  2. Rub the leaves with a cotton ball
  3. Coat the leaves in neem oil or insecticidal soap every few days

Scale Insects

To deal with an infestation of scale bugs, follow these steps:

  1. Spray them off with a hose
  2. Wipe the remainder off with neem oil and a cloth
  3. Prevent them from returning by coating the leaves with neem oil regularly

Spider Mites

To treat this type of infestation, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a spray bottle with a quart of warm water, 1 tsp. of dish soap, and 2 tsps. Of neem oil
  2. Spray and wipe the leaves and stems of the plant clean
  3. Repeat as necessary

Where to Buy Pink Princess Philodendron Seeds Online

Philodendron Pink Princess

Since this plant is typically propagated via plant tissue cultures, it is a difficult process to find Pink Princess seeds. When looking for rare seeds, these are the best online shops:

Where to Buy Mature Pink Princess Philodendron Online

Not only are the seeds of this plant difficult to find, but mature plants are also difficult to find. Because they are so rare, it may require joining a waiting list and spending hundreds of dollars. The following shops offer a selection of Pink Princess Philodendron plants.


Question: Is Pink Princess Philodendron Toxic?

Answer: Yes, this plant is toxic if ingested. The symptoms of ingesting this plant are:

  • Drooling
  • Coughing
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Agitation of the skin around the mouth

If a child or pet has consumed one of these plants and the symptoms, call a medical professional or poison control immediately.

Poison Control Center

Animal Poison Control

Ask a Poison Control Vet

Question: Should Pink Princess Philodendron be Pruned?

Answer: Yes, this plant can benefit from a trim every so often. Also, pruning this plant is an opportune time to propagate new plants.

Concluding Thoughts

If ever there was an Instagram-worthy plant, Pink Princess Philodendron is it. This plant takes natural beauty to an entirely new level. It may be rare and pricey, but it is certainly worth it.

Research Citations


Logee’s Plants

Ohio Tropics

Seeds and Spades

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