Philodendron Micans: Why You Need The Velvet Leaf Philodendron

If you enjoy plants that have unusual natural beauty, you are going to love Velvet Leaf Philodendron.  Once you read how easy it is to grow Philodendron Micans and care for this stunningly beautiful Philodendron variety, you are going to be scrambling to get one for your window sill garden.  

How to Identify Velvet Leaf Philodendron

This stunningly beautiful Philodendron variety features heart-shaped leaves that are covered in iridescent fuzz.  When light hits the fuzzy tops of these leaves, colors ranging from a bronzy brown to turquoise to vibrant green appear. 

Along with these uniquely colored leaves, these plants also feature stems that grow in a vining pattern.  These vines can be trained to grow up a mossy pole or allowed to hang over the edge of a hanging plant container.

How to Grow Velvet Leaf Philodendron from Seed

Philodendron Micans

Philodendron planted from seed take a long time to show significant signs of growth.  Because of the long waiting period, most gardeners opt for a different method altogether, but this can be a very rewarding process.  If you are interested in growing a Philodendron plant from seed, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase Philodendron seeds from a reputable supplier.
  2. Create a garden bed for your seeds by filling a seed starter tray with seed starting mix.
  3. Carefully set the seeds into the starter mix and cover them with a centimeter of the soil.
  4. Water the soil lightly with a spray bottle.
  5. The seed tray should be set in a warm room (68 to 73 degrees Fahrenheit) with bright but indirect sunlight.
  6. The seed tray should be covered with either its lid or with plastic wrap to hold in moisture.
  7. Spray the soil lightly when it becomes dry.
  8. Transport the plants to a more permanent plant container and treat them as mature plants once they have sprouted and grown strong.

How to Propagate Velvet Leaf Philodendron

Velvet Leaf Philodendron

Nearly all Philodendron varieties are easy to propagate via stem cuttings.  This method can either be done in water or in soil.  Both options are simple and straightforward and can be done during springtime pruning sessions.  

The Stem Cutting in Water Method

  1. Set out a glass of water for 24 hours
  2. Sterilize any type of cutting utensil
  3. Cut off a healthy stem that includes a petiole and at least one leaf
  4. Remove the lower leaves from the stem
  5. Set the stem into the water (you don’t want to cover any of the leaves with water since this will cause them to rot)
  6. Set the plant in an area that is warm and receives plenty of bright but indirect or filtered sunlight
  7. Change the water at least once a week
  8. Fill a plant container with well-draining potting soil
  9. Once the plant has grown roots, it can be transferred to the plant container filled with soil
  10. Treat the plant as a mature plant

The Stem Cutting in Soil Method

  1. Sterilize any type of cutting utensil
  2. Cut off a healthy stem that includes a petiole and at least one leaf
  3. Remove the lower leaves from the stem
  4. Fill a plant container with well-draining potting soil
  5. Set the stem into the soil
  6. Set the plant in an area that is warm and receives plenty of bright but indirect or filtered sunlight
  7. Once the plant has grown roots (you can test this by gently tugging on the plant), treat it as a mature plant

Velvet Leaf Philodendron Growing Conditions

This plant is native to tropical regions of South and Central America, and therefore, it requires a lot of heat and humidity.  You can supply the extra heat and humidity without creating a hot and humid home for your family by purchasing the following items:

How to Plant Velvet Leaf Philodendron

Velvet Leaf Philodendron

Plant to repot your Philodendron plants every two to three years.  This will provide them with new, fresh soil and room to grow.  Keep an eye out for the following signs to know whether or not your plant needs repotted before two to three years has passed:

  • Compacted Soil
  • Roots that are crowded and growing into a ball formation
  • A plant that looks too big for its current container

 The steps for repotting a Velvet Leaf Philodendron are:

  1. Fill a plant container with potting soil (if the plant has outgrown its current container, choose a new container that is two inches larger in diameter)
  2. Gently remove the plant from its current container 
  3. Carefully dust off any excess soil from its roots
  4. Set the plant into a hole in the soil of the new container
  5. Check that the plant is secure and stable in its new home and cover its roots and base with more soil
  6. Water the plant
  7. Set it in a warm spot with indirect sunlight

Note: Repotting should only be done on warm spring days to reduce the risk of the plant going into shock 

Velvet Leaf Philodendron Potting & Soil

This Philodendron variety should be set in potting soil that is able to drain off excess water.  A homemade soil consisting of 50% coco coir or peat and 50% perlite is one option, or, you can use this premade Aroid soil mix.

Don’t forget that the plant container also needs to drain off excess water.  Depending on how you want to grow your vining Philodendron, you will need to choose between a hanging plant container or a sturdy plant container with drainage and a mossy pole for climbing plants.

Velvet Leaf Philodendron Water Requirements

This type of plant should be watered using the soak and dry method to limit the risk of root rot.  It is a very simple method with six steps:

  1. Make sure that the top two inches of its soil are completely dry.  If they are still moist, wait another day to water the plant.
  2. Fill a tray or a tub with water but make sure the water isn’t so deep that it will overflow the lip of the container.
  3. Set the plant container in the water. 
  4. Let the plant soak up water for fifteen minutes. The soak and dry method allow the plant’s soil to soak up water through the plant container’s drainage holes.  This is a healthier way to water some types of plants because leaf and stem rot is often caused by watering plants from the top.
  5. Remove the plant from the water.
  6. Set the plant in a spot where the excess water can drain from the container’s drainage holes.

Plant watering apps are designed to reduce or completely eliminate gardening worries.  They help gardeners track when a plant has been watered, set reminders to water it, and get answers to common plant care questions.  

Velvet Leaf Philodendron Light Requirements

This Philodendron variety requires bright but indirect sunlight to grow and look its best.  To assist you as you select the perfect indoor location for your Philodendron plant, use this guide to indoor plant lighting along with either a light meter or a light meter app to test your indoor lighting. 

With the help of these technologies, you will not need to worry whether or not your plants are getting adequate sunlight.

Best Velvet Leaf Philodendron Fertilizer

This Philodendron variety should be fertilized once a month during spring and summer and every six to eight weeks in autumn and winter.  Joyful Dirt offers safe and gentle fertilizers for indoor and outdoor plants.

Best Velvet Leaf Philodendron Companion Plantings

Plant clustering provides extra humidity to your tropical plants without added technology or a lot of hassle.  More than just aesthetics, plant companions are considered quality plant care.  When considering what types of plants to use as a companion planting for your Velvet Leaf Philodendron, keep the following requirements in mind:

  • Choose a plant that has similar care requirements, e.g., the same type of soil and watering method
  • Choose a plant that will look aesthetically appealing next to your other plant
  • Choose a plant that is easy to grow, propagate, and care for

A few examples of plants that will meet these plant companion requirements are:

Philodendron Brasil

Philodendron Brasil

If you stick to members of the same plant family, you are guaranteed an easy-to-care-for-garden.  Compare and contrast the needs of this Philodendron variety with those of a Velvet Leaf Philodendron.

Light Requirements

Philodendron Brasil grows best in full sunlight but can adapt to low light conditions.

Soil Requirements

Philodendron Brasil requires soil that is well-draining.

Water Requirements

Philodendron Brasil should be watered in the soak and dry method when the top half of its soil has dried out


  • Philodendron Brasil has soil and water requirements that are similar to those of Velvet Leaf Philodendron
  • Philodendron Brasil is easy to care for
  • Philodendron Brasil is also a vining plant


  • Philodendron Brasil is toxic
  • Philodendron Brasil is not cold hardy

Snow Queen Pothos

Epipremnum aureum

If you choose another type of tropical plant, it is highly likely that you will not have to learn any new care or maintenance methods.  Compare and contrast this easygoing and unfussy tropical plant with the care needs of a Velvet Leaf Philodendron.

Light Requirements

Snow Queen Pothos requires bright but indirect sunlight.

Soil Requirements

Snow Queen Pothos requires soil that drains off excess water.

Water Requirements

Snow Queen Pothos should be watered in the soak and dry method when the top two inches of its soil has dried out.


  • Snow Queen Pothos has sunlight, soil, and water requirements that are similar to those of Velvet Leaf Philodendron
  • Snow Queen Pothos is a beautiful variegated plant
  • Snow Queen Pothos grows in a vining pattern


  • Snow Queen Pothos is toxic
  • Snow Queen Pothos is not cold hardy

Begonia Boliviensis

Begonia Boliviensis

If you would like something that brings a little flash of color to your greenery, try something outside of the Philodendron family.  You may find that plants that look completely different and come from different families and areas of the world have a lot in common with Velvet Leaf Philodendron.

Light Requirements

Begonia Boliviensis should be set in a place that receives bright but filtered or indirect sunlight.

Soil Requirements

Begonia Boliviensis requires soil that is well-draining, slightly acidic, and full of organic matter.

Water Requirements

Begonia Boliviensis should be watered only when the top two inches of its soil is dry.


  • Begonia Boliviensis has a water requirement that is similar to that of Velvet Leaf Philodendron
  • Begonia Boliviensis produce lovely blooms from spring to autumn


  • Begonia Boliviensis is susceptible to infestations of whiteflies and aphids
  • Begonia Boliviensis is toxic to animals

Velvet Leaf Philodendron Diseases and Common Problems

Here is a list of the most common issues faced by these plants.  In this list is information on how to identify and treat each issue.

Root Rot

This is caused by overwatering a plant.  A properly watered plant should not run the risk of getting root rot.  If, however, you are suspicious that your plant is suffering from this, look for these symptoms:

  • Stems and leaves that are black, mushy, and/or translucent 
  • Leaves that are dropping off regularly

Scale Insects

Evidence of this problem is round lumps on the plant’s leaves and stems.  These lumps are usually small, round, and brown in color.  To deal with an infestation of scale bugs, follow these steps:

  1. Spray them off with a hose
  2. Wipe the remainder off with neem oil and a cloth
  3. Prevent them from returning by coating the leaves with neem oil regularly

Spider Mites

Evidence of a spider mite infestation will show up as webbing on the leaves and stems.  To treat this type of infestation, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a spray bottle with a quart of warm water, 1 tsp. of dish soap, and 2 tsp. Of neem oil  
  2. Spray and wipe the leaves and stems of the plant clean  
  3. Repeat as necessary

Velvet Leaf Philodendron Treatments and Maintenance

Velvet Leaf Philodendron

Since prevention is better than treatment, take some time to learn about what sort of diseases and pest infestations each of your plants might experience. 

Then, learn how you can best treat and prevent those.  Here are few tips to help keep your plants healthy and disease-free:

  • Look for and treat pest infestations and diseases regularly and quickly.
  • Apply neem oil to the leaves of your plant on a regular basis.
  • Learn to water and feed your plants according to their needs.
  • Ensure that your plants have access to adequate amounts of sunlight, heat, and humidity.
  • Mix diatomaceous earth into the soil of potted plants. 

Where to Buy Velvet Leaf Philodendron Seeds Online

Since Philodendron seeds are difficult to find, it will require a little effort to search for them.  If you are interested in purchasing these seeds, then start with these online shops:

Where to Buy Mature Velvet Leaf Philodendron Online

Etsy and Bumble Plants are both great online stores for purchasing your next houseplant.


Question: Is Velvet Leaf Philodendron Toxic?

Answer: Yes, these plants are very poisonous, and they should be kept in a place where pets and children cannot reach them. If anyone, whether it is a pet or a child, has consumed any part of these plants, contact Poison Control Center,  Animal Poison Control, or Ask a Poison Control Vet.

Question: Which USDA Hardiness Zone Can Velvet Leaf Philodendron be Planted In?

Answer: These are not cold-hardy plants, so should only be planted in the ground if you live in zones 11 and above. If you live in zones lower than this, they should be planted in a container that can be transferred indoors during winter.

Question: How Large Will Velvet Leaf Philodendron Grow?

Answer: These plants are capable of growing vines between 8 and 24 inches long.

In Conclusion

Velvet Leaf Philodendron showcases color and shimmery natural beauty that every gardener longs for.  If you want your garden to shine over and above the status quo, you need to include this beauty in it.

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